JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2015 - July 31, 2015

American Antitrust Institute

This listing is inactive.
Senior Economist

JOE ID Number: 2015-01_111452699
Date Posted: 02/03/2015
Date Inactive: 07/31/2015
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Senior Economist
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
JEL Classifications:
L4 -- Antitrust Issues and Policies
D4 -- Market Structure and Pricing
K -- Law and Economics
D -- Microeconomics
L -- Industrial Organization
microeconomics, applied microeconomics, industrial organization, antitrust, regulation, econometrics, applied econometrics, competition policy
Salary Range: 110,000 - 135,000 (benefits not included)
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The American Antitrust Institute (AAI) is seeking a Ph.D. economist with exceptional skills and interests in applied microeconomics and industrial organization. Successful candidates will have a minimum of three (3) years non-academic work experience in federal or state antitrust enforcement, sector regulation, the legislative branch, consulting, the public interest community, or industry. Candidates from academia will be considered if there is a substantial record of applied work and policy analysis.

AAI is the leading non-profit competition advocacy group in the U.S. Based in Washington DC, our work spans three major channels: legal-economic advocacy, education and training, and research. We work with legal-economic practitioners, competition enforcement, industry, Congress, and the public interest community to develop positions based on objective, rigorous, and persuasive analysis, writing, and verbal communication. Our work reflects progressive thinking about competition policy. We advocate through white papers and commentaries, regulatory interventions, testimony before legislators and regulators, and amicus briefs. AAI provides analysis of competition issues in specific industries and on particular topics, evaluates the competitive implications of proposed mergers and alleged anticompetitive conduct, and comments on proposed regulations, legislation, and litigation.

AAI offers an intellectually stimulating and rewarding work environment. We have a collegial culture and benefit from close collaboration with thought leaders and policy makers in law, economics, and business. The Senior Economist will work on challenging, high profile competition issues. Candidates will have high level data, analytical, and quantitative skills, and the ability to tailor problem-solving approaches to specific issues. Strong skills in writing clear, concise, and logical documents, and in oral communications -- particularly in explaining complex competition issues to a variety of audiences -- are highly valued. Proficiency in working both independently and in teams with other economists, attorneys, and institutional experts is also important. The Senior Economist can also expect to take advantage of opportunities to present AAI and independent research at conferences, and publish in economics and law journals. AAI is an equal opportunity employer. For more information about the AAI visit

Application Requirements:
  • Application Instructions Below
Application deadline: 03/06/2015
Application Instructions:
In order to determine minimal qualifications, candidates should submit a cover letter, resume, list of three (3) references, and a current research sample. Once minimal qualifications are determined, and if a candidate advances to the next stage of consideration, additional writing samples and interviews will be required. Please submit materials electronically to Sarah Frey, Communications Manager, American Antitrust Institute,