AEA Papers and Proceedings
ISSN 2574-0768 (Print) | ISSN 2574-0776 (Online)
Grades in Economics and Other Undergraduate Courses
AEA Papers and Proceedings
vol. 109,
May 2019
(pp. 266–70)
This study analyzes GPA data from the transcripts of college grades using the Baccalaureate and Beyond survey data from the National Center for Education Statistics at the US Department of Education. It reports GPAs overall and for 12 undergraduate majors including economics. The regression analysis investigates the likely effects of prior ability or achievement, demographics, and institutional variables on both the overall GPA and GPAs in selected academic subjects, including economics. Gender differences are explored for the marginal effects of taking a course in a subject and differences in the percentages of "A" grades earned when a course is taken.Citation
Walstad, William, and William Bosshardt. 2019. "Grades in Economics and Other Undergraduate Courses." AEA Papers and Proceedings, 109: 266–70. DOI: 10.1257/pandp.20191105Additional Materials
JEL Classification
- A22 Economic Education and Teaching of Economics: Undergraduate